🛠️Getting Started

Welcome to Spookhost, the Free Website Hosting service.

You will have to sign up for an account on https://hub.spooky.hk/register, and confirm your email address. Next, you login via https://portal.spookhost.xyz/u/auth

To host your website with us, you need to create a Space

A video tutorial is available at https://www.youtu.be/rDfTGhjaw8E

Creating a Spookhost Space

1. In the Client Portal Dashboard, find Spaces - Quick Access, Click the Create Space button.

2. Choose between a Free Subdomain or your own Custom Domain.

3. After entering your desired domain, click Check Availability.

4. If the domain is available, you can choose your Space Label, it does not affect your actual website. It is a feature for you to identify each of your Spaces.

5. Complete the Captcha and create the account.

6. To manage your newly created Space, enter the Control Panel.

7. To start creating your website, enter the File Manager, Site Builder, or the Softaculous Apps Installer. (All for free!)

Additional Notes

1. To use your own Custom Domain, you will need to change the Nameservers to



2. Our Site Builder powered by Site.Pro can help you to build your site quickly and easily.

3. Softaculous Apps Installer allows you to install over 300 applications such as WordPress and Joomla with only a few clicks!

4. Full guides of the Site Builder, Softaculous Apps Installer, and other features can be found in the YouTube Playlist.

Last updated