🚫Suspension Reasons

In the case of your Space is suspended, this article will go through the suspension reasons and potential ways to reactivate your account.

Reasons that does not require staff assistant

Account Inactive

If your account received fewer than 5 visitors in 30 days, it will be suspended automatically. You should get an automatic email from noreply@hostmessage.info for it. You can login to the Control Panel and it will be reactivated (You will not be able to enter, but it will start reactivating). Alternatively, you can click the link in email sent by noreply@hostmessage.info.

Hitting the daily resource limits

Each Space have resource limits. You can view the usage from the Control Panel Statistics Section. If you have hit 50% of the limits, you will get an automatic email from noreply@hostmessage.info alerting you. You should try to optimize your scripts for lower resource usage. If you, unfortunately, got suspended, Login to the Control Panel from the Client Portal and it should reactivate. If not, wait for 24 hours and try again.

Reasons that require an appeal

Violation of the Terms of Service. Flagged by iFastNet Any other reasons

Suspension Enquiry & Suspect of false suspension

Most suspensions are done by our automatic system, if you think that you were falsely suspended, please create a Ticket via the Client Portal, Spookhost (and iFastNet) will manually check your website. Any other inquiries such as requesting your suspension reason, should also open a support ticket.

Last updated