Site Builder Limitations

While using the Site.Pro Website Builder, you may encounter error messages, here, we will be going through some of the errors.

Errors you may encounter

Warning: These plugins will not be published: Button, Form, and more... Please upgrade your current Free plan, republish your website and enjoy your great website without any disruptions
Ask administrator to enable this feature 

Why are these showing?

Spookhost is providing the Site.Pro Website Builder's free reseller plan, which includes limitations. The limits include:

3 pages per website
Limited plugins (Buttom and Form are examples of plugins that cannot be used with our site builder)
Limited Templates (Some Premium Site.Pro templates are not available here)

How to resolve this?

Unfortunately, Spookhost is unable to provide the premium Site.Pro builder due to it's cost. If you would like to use the Premium Site.Pro Builder, you can directly purchase the builder from Site.Pro and host your website with them.

Alternatively, you can build your website with another software such as WordPress.

Last updated